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Тест по аудированию
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Тест по аудированию

You are going to hear short recordings which are all connected in some way with the cinema. Before you listen, read the questions and the possible answers carefully. As you listen, choose the best alternative: A,B or C.

  1. You are going to hear part of an interview. Why does the speaker think the actor is so popular?

      a) Because he is a very attractive.
      b) Because he is a very good actor.
      c) Because of the parts he plays.

  2. Listen to the woman speaking to a friend/ what does she want him to do?

      a) Get her a part in a film.
      b) Arrange a meeting with the director.
      c) Introduce her to an actor.

  3. You will hear someone talking about a new film. What was his opinion of it?

      a) He thought it was too long.
      b) He thought it was excellent.
      c) He thought parts of it were good.

  4. Listen to this man phoning a box-office. What does he want the woman in the box-office to do?

      a) Change his tickets.
      b) Change his seats.
      c) Refund his money.

  5. Some people are discussing plans for an old cinema. What does the speaker want to do?

      a) Knock it down and build a new one
      b) Make alterations and modernize it.
      c) Turn'it into a conference hall.

  6. You are going to hear part of a telephone conversation. What has the man's son done?

      a) Forgotten to buy some tickets.
      b) Lost some tickets.
      c) Bought the wrong tickets.

  7. Listen to the conversation. What are the film director and his producer talking about?

      a) Changing an actor.
      b) Filming a scene again.
      c) Cutting a scene.

  8. Listen to the woman on TV talking about someone famous. How does the woman know her?

      a) They went to the same secondary school.
      b) They went to the same university.
      c) They went to the same drama school.

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